Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My SBS Insight Experience

You may have missed it, but I was on Insight last night for about 20 seconds! Whoo hooo! I am a celebrity in my own lunch time!

But I must confess the experience was rather disappointing. Look, it was lovely to wipe the dust off the old high heels and jump on a plane to Sydney, but the show just completely missed the point of what women want by wholly focusing on the stereotypical "IT" woman. The woman who does the mad juggle to have the career, the prescribed number of children, husband and mortgage.

Though Jennie Brockie was lovely, I thought the point was to focus on the fact that many women were finding that in the mad balancing act unsustainable. And the people who suffer the most are those who with least ability to speak up for themselves. Our children. The show completely forgot that often the children of career parents are the victims of distracted and haphazard parenting, and they are made to feel secondary to their parent's careers. Lets not forget that heart disease and stress related illnesses amongst women in the cohort is also increasing at an alarming rate as women try and be men to compete on an equal footing.

Sorry Jennie, when addressing women and work, you forget an essential part of the equation, and that is children.

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